Label Design Awards 2024 – Beer: Rules and entry form


  1. Only beers produced in South Africa may be entered. Labels designed outside the country are however allowed.

  2. Entry forms must be completed and submitted online (see below) by Wednesday 23 October. 

  3. A fee of R295 incl. VAT per entry applies and payment must also be completed by 23 October.

    If entering both the Label Design Awards and the National Beer Trophy competition, please make one payment to Ridon Communications – this to be done via the National Beer Trophy site, offering one point of entry for both competitions.

    If entering only the Label Design Awards, you will be directed to the Winemag Shop to complete payment after submitting your entry form. Each submission requires a separate entry form however one global payment may be made for multiple entries.

  4. A complete entry sample takes the form of a bottle (or bottles in the case of ‘series’) bearing the actual label as it appears in the market place. You may deliver supporting packaging material (e.g. gift box) together with the sample where relevant. This must be accompanied by a copy of the entry form which includes a 150-word creative rationale. 

  5. Sample(s) and a copy of the online entry form with rationale, must be delivered to Ridon Communication, Newspaper House, 122 St Georges Mall, Cape Town (021 422-5206) by 24 October. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

  6. Only commercially available beers may be entered. At least 50 six-bottle cases must be available from the date of entry until 30 November and this is subject to verification by the organisers.

  7. All entrants must be able to supply up to 12 bottles of each entry for the awards ceremony. This applies to award winners only. Entries for which no payment has been made will be disqualified. Entry fees are not refundable.

Email queries to

  • Each entry must be accompanied by a rationale describing the brief, concept and execution in 150 words or less.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, png, Max. file size: 20 MB.
      Not mandatory. Should you wish to provide further supporting documentation, please upload here.

    To join our producers’ mailing list for updates on competitions, click here.