Available for all, funded by readers
By Christian Eedes, 4 September 2020
According to Google Analytics, we had 29 391 users in August, an increase of 5.5% year on year. We are proud of this given the generally tough trading conditions for media. In this regard, we were saddened to note the recent closure of Associated Magazines and the magazine division of Caxton. News24, meanwhile, have opted for digital subscriptions but we would prefer to keep this site open to all.
At the end of last year, we began a reader funding drive to cover some of our costs and continue to provide coverage of an industry we all care deeply about. We suggested an amount of R600 a year or R50 a month per individual with a view to achieving a total audience contribution of R300 000 per annum. To date, we’ve had nearly 160 people pledge their support. We are most appreciative, but we still have a long way to go to reach our above-mentioned target by the end of 2020.
To contribute, click here.
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