Prescient briefing: Cultivating success in challenging investment conditions

By , 8 April 2020

Sponsored – the following from Cheree Dyers, Prescient Investment Management CEO: Just as the goal of winemakers is to produce wines of distinction, it is Prescient Investment Management’s to deliver a quality investment offering that gives clients the peace of mind that their investments will grow consistently through all financial market conditions.

Investment managers, like winemakers, also have to face uncertain times for which they cannot prepare. In the wine industry, weather conditions can put an entire harvest at risk. For Prescient, global events can impact adversely on the financial markets and put clients’ wealth at risk.

Right now, the coronavirus is playing havoc with the global economy, and it is times like these that it is important to not make investment choices based on emotions. Our responsibility to our clients is to remain level-headed and to make carefully considered, rational decisions with the long-term in mind.

To do this, we rely on our rigorous investment process, which is tried and tested and has been delivering consistent investment results for 22 years. As our investment approach is a systematic one, we don’t try to forecast what lies ahead but, instead, we focus on finding assets that offer sufficient value to compensate for any foreseeable risks.

We measure our investment performance by the positive investment outcomes we deliver for our clients and independent recognition provides reassurance that we are achieving this. As in the wine industry, industry awards provide independent confirmation of your achievement. In our industry, the PlexCrown and Raging Bull Awards are the premier annual events and this year, both recognized us as a leading South African investment manager.

To know more about any of our products and services, visit

To read the Prescient Sweet Wine & Fortifieds Report 2020, click here.

Disclosure:  Prescient Investment Management (Pty)Ltd is an authorised Financial Service Provider (FSP 612) under the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (No.37 of 2002). Please note that there are risks involved in buying or selling any financial product, and past performance of a financial product is not necessarily indicative of the future performance. Source and date: PlexCrown (Profile data: 07/2019) Raging Bull (Morningstar: 01/2020)


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