Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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15. Reyneke Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 201514. Intellego Elementis Chenin Blanc 201713. Patatsfontein Chenin Blanc 201712. Van Loggerenberg Kameraderie Chenin Blanc 201711. Thistle & Weed Duwweltjie...
A tasting - organised by Angela Lloyd with reportedly enthusiastic cooperation from producers - of 29 local white wines with a significant “skin-contact” component was...
The Syrah 2017 from Swartland producer Jurgen Gouws is his best yet. Grapes from a vineyard planted northeast of Malmesbury on a soil with a...
I get the feeling that Jurgen Gouws is pretty much always smiling. Winemaker of his own Swartland label, Intellego, he moves through the world on...
Here are our six most highly rated current-release wines of last month: Intellego Elementis 2017 – 95 (read original review here) Neil Ellis Bottelary Hills...
The wines of Swartland-based Jurgen Gouws under his Intellego label become more self-assured with each passing vintage. He seems to have a great instinct regarding...
If you’re a “natural wine” fan, then the wines of Jurgen Gouws are worth seeking out. He worked with the maverick Craig Hawkins at Lammershoek...
One of my favourite movie and wine pairings of all time was Quentin Tarrantino’s Pulp Fiction and a previous vintage of Elementis from Swartland producer...
Here are our three most highly rated current-release wines of last month: Intellego Kolbroek Syrah 2015 – 94 (read original review here) Mulderbosch 1000 Miles...
Jurgen Gouws, who worked with Craig Hawkins at prominent Swartland property Lammershoek before the change of ownership, continues to make some individualistic wines under his...
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