Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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A Tex-Mex classic that’s great for casual entertaining. Yield This recipe serves 4 people. Chilli con carne recipe ingredients 400g red kidney beans, soaked in...
A classic and decadent dinner party recipe. Yield This recipe serves 4 people. Beef Wellington recipe ingredients 800g - 1kg beef fillet salt and freshly...
A light and summery dish which can work as a starter or as a light snack with a salad. Yield Serves 4 people Ingredients 4...
This recipe for creamy chicken with ravioli and spinach makes for an easy weeknight supper meal. Use store-bought ravioli to make it even easier (either...
Pasta is the soul of generosity, loves being passed round, scooped out and slithered into bowls. It adores being a second helping, and can be...
Comfort food of the highest order demands comfort wine. Yield Serves 8 - 10 people Ingredients 2kg loin of pork, bone removed5 – 6 baby...
Chocolate, cherries, and ruby port make for a classic flavour combination. Yield This recipe makes 12 large squares. Chocolate brownie recipe ingredients 250g butter 2...
A light and refreshing pea soup that can be served hot or cold. Yield This recipe serves 4 people. Pea soup recipe ingredients 1 tbsp...
These hot cross buns aren't just for Easter – you can enjoy them all year round! Yield This recipe makes 12 buns. Hot cross buns...
Are you Team Chicken or Team Egg? Followers of Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) have traditionally come to the table with an understanding of creation...
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