Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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Ah, the Mountain Nelson, home away from home to the likes of supermodel Kate Moss and the late Muammar Gaddafi of Libya. Yesterday, Stellenbosch producer...
South African Airways recently announced the winners of the airline’s 25th annual wine awards arising out of its onboard wine selection for 2012. The winners...
As featured in the October issue of Business Day WANTED: Fable Wines is what used to be Tulbagh Mountain Vineyards now that the property has...
From the October issue of GQ: As a figure of popular culture, special agent James Bond captures the imagination in many ways: he’s debonair of...
As featured in the last issue of Longevity: While getting older is usually fraught with negative implications, wine is a wonderful exception. It’s one of...
On Friday he first birthday of Chef Richard Carstens at Tokara restaurant at the winery of the same name in Stellenbosch. Carstens is associated with...
Billed as “A Night of a Thousand Glasses”, it was more like “The Infinitely Prolonged Evening of Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine and a Half...
With the second annual Swartland Revolution set to take place on 11.11.11 plus the following day, expect saturation social media coverage of the wines from...
Marie Claire.com reports that Karl Lagerfeld, head designer of Chanel has designed the label for the 2009 vintage of Rauzan Ségla, the Bordeaux Second Growth...
The 2012 edition of the Best Value Wine Guide sponsored by Ultra Liquors is now available. In order to be included in the book, wines...
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