Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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Cape Legends is the premium wine division of Distell and when it comes to sheer wine quality, I’m on record as saying that the wines...
It’s been my contention for a while now that the wineries which make up Cape Legends, the premium wine brand division of Distell, under-perform and...
It’s hard not to view Stellenbosch cellar Alto as a victim of its own success. Take the red blend known as Rouge. Just under 400...
Cape Legends, the fine wine division of producer-wholesaler Distell, recently relaunched its Tukulu range of wines produced on Papkuilsfontein in Darling as Earthbound with Fairtrade...
Billed as “A Night of a Thousand Glasses”, it was more like “The Infinitely Prolonged Evening of Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine and a Half...
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