Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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New vintages of the signature offerings from Sadie Family Wines have just been released: Palladius 2013 Wine Cellar price: R510 Chenin Blanc, Grenache Blanc, Clairette...
How do SA’s Rhône-inspired blends stack up next to straight Shiraz? To make the best wines we possibly can in South Africa, we have to...
Does Sequillo suffer from being rock star Eben Sadie’s lesser venture? Perhaps but one advantage of the label is that unlike Columella and Palladius, the...
Having missed the Sadie Family Wines tasting towards the end of July as I did, I was eager to get my hands on the 2012...
On Friday, a tasting of the new releases from Sadie Family Wines. The highlight was the white blend Palladius 2011, one of the finest wines...
Below are my dozen most memorable wines of 2012. Beaumont Hope Marguerite Chenin Blanc 2011 Price: R150 This is a label which has been around...
If your reason for being is to showcase the world’s best wines, then why would you choose a hotel whose chefs specialise in Indian cooking...
Earlier today the pre-release tasting of the new vintages of The Sadie Family Wines (on-sale date: 2 July). Tasting notes and scores below: Columella 2010:...
On Saturday one of those semi-regular gatherings of friends were the meal is pre-determined and those attending must bring suitable wine. To eat, slow roasted...
After three days of judging the Best Value Wine Guide 2012 (featuring wines below R60 a bottle) sponsored by Ultra Liquors and to be disseminated...
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