Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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Just over fifty years ago the Department of Agriculture established South Africa’s wine of origin scheme. At the time our legislation was the most advanced...
It’s hard to decide whether to laugh or cry: the great Cape drought of the second decade of the 21st century has turned into the great...
Pity the uninitiated entering the National Cabinet for the first time. Allowing for the normal attrition due to sickness, work travel and vacations, an intimate...
Shiraz is a relative latecomer to the South African wine scene. As recently as the 1980s, total plantings were less than 1,000 hectares. Most of...
To mangle and misquote Tolstoy “successful wine markets are all alike; unsuccessful wine markets are all unsuccessful in their own way.” Humour me while I...
Hindsight – we are told – is 20/20 vision. Foresight, on the other hand - by its very nature, is the province of the visually...
US critic Robert Parker made his reputation on the 1982 Bordeaux vintage. It had been one of the biggest harvests on record. While the wines...
It’s kind of hard not to approach 2024 with just a little trepidation. On an international level, things are not looking rosy. Many strategic analysts...
Very few people who write about wine go through life without composing wine descriptions: whether it’s in the form of purple prose to induce purchase,...
There are two kinds of wine cellars – those which are too big, and those which are too small. I’m referring here to proper personal...
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