Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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Môrelig Vineyards at the foot of the Paardeberg in the Swartland was purchased by the Wightman family in 2011, wines now appearing under the Wightman...
Here are our six most highly rated current-release wines of last month: Intellego Elementis 2017 – 95 (read original review here) Neil Ellis Bottelary Hills...
Môrelig, situated at the foot of the Paardeberg in the Swartland, counts the likes of Lammershoek and Adi Badenhorst’s Kalmoesfontein as neighbours so Andrew Wightman...
Môrelig Vineyards, situated at the foot of the Paardeberg mountain in the Swartland, was acquired by Andrew and Elise Wightman in 2011. There were originally...
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