Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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Here are our top wines of last month: Scions of Sinai Swanesang Syrah 2019 – 96 (read original review here) Arcangeli Feiteras Verdelho 2017 –...
David Clarke of the agency Ex Animo Wine Co. provides a podcast consisting of a series of interviews with industry figures, a recent subject being...
Bernhard Bredell is the seventh generation of a family that has farmed in the Helderberg area of Stellenbosch, his Scions of Sinai label a project...
Bernhard Bredell is making some compelling wines under his Scions of Sinai label, tasting notes and ratings for the latest to hit the market as...
Lionel Smit is an artist, Bernhard Bredell a winemaker (his own label being Scions of Sinai) and this Grenache Blanc from Voor Paardeberg grapes is...
Scions of Sinai is Bernhard Bredell’s way of honouring his family’s farming heritage – he grew up on Helderzicht farm in the lower Heldeberg where...
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