A snapshot of the Winemag.co.za user in 2019
By Christian Eedes, 20 February 2019
The first ever winemag.co.za user poll was conducted via Surveymonkey.com from 28 January to 15 February. We had 534 responses with an 86% completion rate, this relative to an average of 22 975 total users per month in the fourth quarter of last year according to Google Analytics.
Here’s what we found out about you:
Basic demographics
- 62% male and 38% female
- 54% are between ages 30 to 49, 14% are under 30 and 32% are 50 or over
- 85% are white, 5% black, 4% coloured, 1.5% Indian and 4.5% preferred not to say
Home province
- 60% live in the Western Cape, 20% Gauteng, 13% Rest of South Africa, 7% Rest of World
This contrasts with Google Analytics which indicates that 62% of users are from South Africa and 38% are from Rest of the World.
Family status
- 63% are married
- 47% have children
Education and income
- 65% have a degree
- 39% have a gross household income of over R60 000/month (16% preferred not to say)
- 30% work in the wine industry and 70% do not
Finally, you seem to be highly involved in the subject of wine, with 68% of you saying that you visit the site once a week, more than once a week or even daily!
For preferred wine styles, click here.
Jabulani Debedu | 20 February 2019
The results are intriguing. The 5% black demographic is rather surprising given that the fastest growing alcoholic category among blacks is wine (in Gauteng at least). winemag.co.za is most certainly my go to source for all things wine. I particularly look forward to reading the varietal reports.
Equally surprissing is the 20% from Gauteng given that its SA’s largest domestic wine market.
These stats reveal an execellent opportunity for winemag.co.za to increase its readership in Gauteng and the black demographic.
Christian Eedes | 21 February 2019
Hi Jabulani, We have to admit to be flummoxed as to why our Gauteng user base is not bigger. We speculate that it must be because we don’t have the same touchpoints there as we do in the Western Cape but unfortunately there’s no obvious way around this. Beyond that, however, I’m sometimes inclined to think that Gauteng wine consumers just want to drink the stuff rather than debate the minutiae. Any suggestions on how to increase our Gauteng footprint gratefully accepted.
Jabulani Debedu | 21 February 2019
Hi Christian, i agree that the majority of Gauteng wine consumers are less inclined to participate in debating the minutiae. However, i suspect it is more a function of distance from the wine regions than a lack of interest in the subject matter. The growing number of wine lifestyle events and clubs in the province suggests to me that there is a market that is eager to interact with wine beyond just drinking it. Anecdotally, i come across plenty of inquisitive and knowledgeable Gautengers when visiting the cape winelands every year.
Perhaps you can explore partnerships with Joburg Wine Club, Soweto Food and Wine Show, Wine Concepts etc.
Kevin R | 20 February 2019
Willing to share who was voted as most popular contributor?
Christian Eedes | 20 February 2019
Hi Kevin R, That’s “proprietory information”, I’m afraid, but suffice to say 74% of respondents said they like all our writers.