Magazines might be dead but media isn’t
By Christian Eedes, 8 July 2020
According to Google Analytics, we had 28 477 users in June, an increase of 20.5% year on year. We are proud of this given the generally tough trading conditions for media – we are once again saddened to see magazine title closures and consolidations, this time at Media24.
At the end of last year, we began a reader funding drive to cover some of our costs and continue to provide coverage of an industry we all care deeply about. We suggested an amount of R600 a year or R50 a month per individual with a view to achieving a total audience contribution of R300 000 per annum. To date, we’ve had just over 140 people pledge their support. We are most appreciative, but we still have a long way to go to reach our above-mentioned target by the end of 2020.
To contribute, click here.
Donald | 9 July 2020
If you upgraded your shop to offer products a la Wine Folly and possibly sourced a selection of wines to sell at reasonable prices – the Prescient Report award winners/Top 10 being a good start – then the issues of traffic and funding would wane over time. I would rather buy from a site that offered good quality reasonably priced products than subscribe to a site where the value is far more intrinsic and can only really be classed as ultra niche IP.
Donald Ackerman | 9 July 2020
Dearest Donald, my surname is Ackerman, yours? I respond to your comment(s) on two accounts. Firstly, to quelch any misconception that the commentator, “Donald”, is me. Secondly, what a pity that some people always see the glass half-empty as opposed to half-full. This site is an alternative to a printed wine magazine and not an online retail store. In respect of the last mentioned, please do yourself a favour and visit the excellent online retailer Winecellar.
Regarding your comment: “to a site where the value is far more intrinsic and can only really be classed as ultra niche IP”, you previously also commented on this site, not so? Thus, it seems that you are indeed curious about ultra-niche IP wine sites, read them, comment on them, but surely you don’t want to pay for IP, stingy, arent you? You know, nobody forces you to visit, neither read the contents, on this site.
And yes, I pledged my support in the suggested amount of R 600, at R 50 per month a steal, I might add. Not to do so, when you comment at your whim, are morally unjustifiable and corrupt.