Topical pic: Which of these two will be next to join the Cape Winemakers Guild?
By Christian Eedes, 31 October 2012
With Rianie Strydom being the only female member of the 45-strong Cape Winemakers Guild, Andrea Mullineux (left) and Nadia Newton Johnson both have strong claims on joining the organisation. Mullineux, along with husband Chris, makes wines under the Mullineux Family Wines label, three wines picking up 5 Star ratings in Platter’s 2013, these being the Syrah 2010, the Schist Syrah 2010 and the Straw Wine 2011, the former also earning the title of Red Wine of the Year.
Newton Johnson, meanwhile, makes wines along with husband Gordon for Newton Johnson Vineyards, the Family Vineyards Pinot Noir 2011 rating 5 Stars this year, repeating the feat of the 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Smirrie | 24 December 2012
So andrea was invited and i must admit it i am proud of her. Go mullineux.
Smirrie | 8 November 2012
I agree Cathy it would be unfair. But if the trick is to invite more women then maybe it makes sense. The prestige could only be to the benefit of the farms. So i am sure the men wont mind then.
Cathy Marston | 7 November 2012
I also think that both would be well-deserved but I have to say I think it would be as unfair for Andrea to get elected and not Chris, if Chris got elected and not Andrea (I feel my grammar may be awry here but hopefully the meaning is clear). Ditto for Nadia and Gordon. Which means 4 new members from 2 farms which doesn’t seem likely. If we are carrying on in this women power thing, I’ve always felt it more than a little annoying that Kathy Jordan isn’t a member along with Gary – although clearly it is fine with them and perhaps they divide up their roles accordingly. Joining the Guild does involve a hefty chunk of change – hope that if either farm gets invited, their pockets are deep enough!
Smirrie | 1 November 2012
I think both deserves it.