Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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Here are our five most highly rated wines of last month: Mother Rock Liquid Skin Chenin Blanc 2022 – 95/100 (read original review here) Mullineux...
Describing Stompie Meyer of Mother Rock as avante-garde is putting it mildly. Operating out of his own cellar on the Piketberg in northern Swartland and...
Stompie Meyer says he wants to make “energetic, artisanal, fun and creative” wines and he’s succeeding admirably. He’s been based on his high-altitude Piket-Bo-Berg farm...
Natural wines aren’t for everyone but if you are partial to them, then the Mother Rock portfolio from Johan ‘Stompie’ Meyer are must-buys. Tasting notes...
Here are our eight most highly rated wines of last month: Alheit Vineyards Lost & Found 2019 – 98 (read the original review here) Rall...
Stompie Meyer’s new property called Platteklip Vineyards is situated 30km from the Atlantic Ocean at between 600m and 800m above sea level in a small...
The intricate game of pairing food and wine has never much appealed to me, let alone convinced me of its necessity. I have, however, appreciated...
Here are our three most highly rated current-release wines of last month: The Foundry Grenache Blanc 2015 – 95/100 (read original review here) Remhoogte Honeybunch...
Fine, good or merely interesting? How best to describe the wines of Johan “Stompie” Meyer is the question posed by correspondent Tim James elsewhere on...
What is fine wine? And good wine? Without reaching conclusions, I’ve been pondering this since I wrote recently about some (very drinkable) supermarket whites and...
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