Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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While previous vintages of the Break a Leg Blanc de Noir made from Cinsault by Lukas van Loggerenberg have, by all accounts, enjoyed significant commercial...
I had thought that I wouldn’t write about last week’s Cape Town tasting of the new releases of Van Loggerenberg and Craven as I knew...
Here are our five most highly rated current-release wines of last month: Craven The Firs Syrah 2018 - 95/100 (read original review here) Reyneke Chenin...
The 2018s from Lukas van Loggerenberg are out and the fanboys and girls will need to free up some cellar space. Tasting notes and ratings...
15. Reyneke Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 201514. Intellego Elementis Chenin Blanc 201713. Patatsfontein Chenin Blanc 201712. Van Loggerenberg Kameraderie Chenin Blanc 201711. Thistle & Weed Duwweltjie...
I confess I’m feeling a touch weary of thinking about lists of South Africa’s best wineries (and not because of the few trolls who slithered...
Here are our six most highly rated current-release wines of last month: Patatsfontein Chenin Blanc 2017 – 96 (read original review here) Van Loggerenberg Kameraderie...
Blending masks terroir. Is that a fair comment? Terroir is the notion that wine should taste of the place where the grapes grow. Wine, of...
One can’t have too much of a good thing, they say – so here’s a little more about Lukas van Loggerenberg’s latest wines, to add...
Rising star Lukas van Loggerenberg of Van Loggerenberg Wines has now released the rest of his second-vintage 2017s and pretty damn hot they are, too....
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