Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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Husband and wife Albert and Anmar van Niekerk are something of a dream team, he involved at a high level in the production of both...
The Van Niekerk Vintners team is growing. Albert van Niekerk, assistant winemaker to Peter-Allan Finlayson of Crystallum and John Seccombe of Thorne & Daughters, last...
Albert van Niekerk, assistant winemaker to Peter-Allan Finlayson of Crystallum and John Seccombe of Thorne & Daughters, also makes wines under his own Van Niekerk...
Albert van Niekerk, former copywriter turned winemaker, is currently assistant to Peter-Allan Finlayson of Crystallum Wines, working out of the Gabriëlskloof cellar in Bot River....
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