Chamonix sold
By Christian Eedes, 18 November 2021
Prestigious Franschhoek property Chamonix has been purchased by Fredensborg Property Investments SA (Pty) Ltd, a South-African subsidiary of the Norwegian real estate company Fredensborg 1994. The sale follows three years after the death of Chris Hellinger who acquired the property in 1991.
Earlier this year, the maiden vintage of Chamonix Old Vine Steen 2020 rated 97/100 – see here.
Tony | 18 November 2021
You don’t think it might be worth mentioning that Distell has also been sold? Not as important as Chamonix? Or hadn’t your news team heard about it?
Christian Eedes | 18 November 2021
Hi Tony, Heineken’s intention to acquire Distell is obviously highly significant but firstly it has been covered extensively by major business news sources and secondly the implications for Distell’s fine wine brands are far from clear at this stage.
GillesP | 18 November 2021
Who cares about Distell wines on this website?
Schalk Burger | 19 November 2021
Tony, the sale of Distell is by no means a done deal. The proposed offer is still subject to approval by Distell shareholders, and also the regulatory approvals required for a transaction of this nature, e.g. Competition Commission approval which typically comes in the form of a provisional approval subject to (often onerous, sometimes unacceptable) conditions relating to, for example, restrictions on retrenchments and closure of certain SA operations etc. Many a slip twixt cup and lip – there are no guarantees that this deal will happen and if it does, it will most likely become unconditional only in the second half of 2022.