Prescient Chenin Blanc Report 2020: Call for entries
By Christian Eedes, 9 March 2020
Entries for the Chenin Blanc Report 2020 sponsored by multinational financial services company Prescient are now open, the focus being on 1) Chenin Blanc; and 2) Cape White Blends, the latter defined as those wines containing a Chenin Blanc component of more than 15% and less than 85%. will be generating a number of category reports throughout the year – see here. Each report will be based on the outcome of a blind tasting of wines entered. Upon the release of a report, a top 10 will be announced and the year will culminate in a gala event when the individual best wine in each category will be revealed. These top-performing wines will subsequently be shown at tastings in both Johannesburg and London.
Wines will be tasted by a three-person panel consisting of Christian Eedes as chairman as well as Roland Peens and James Pietersen, both of Wine Cellar, Cape Town merchants and cellarers of fine wine.
Entries are now closed. The report will be released on 16 June.
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