
By , 21 August 2019



Old faithful.

When a bottle of Chateau Libertas 2017 proved spectacularly disappointing earlier this year, a colleague urged me to re-visit Tassenberg for a happier experience.

This non-vintage, entry-level wine comes with the back label that reads “Produced in Argentina and South Africa/Bottled in South Africa” – designated as non-vintage, it’s famously built around Cinsault but contains who knows what else.

My bottle showed some floral perfume, herbs red and black cherry on the nose while the palate was medium bodied, fresh and savoury. By no means complex, it is however honest with a vinosity that Chateau Libertas currently lacks entirely. Approximate retail price: R35 a bottle.

Editor’s rating: 86/100.

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9 comment(s)

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    Mduduzi | 10 December 2023

    The taste of tassies has changed, it is no longer the same. its like they added more water I am so disappointed.

    Greg Sherwood | 13 February 2023

    “Medium bodied with vinosity…” sets off my RS alarm bells. Being able to drink and enjoy Tassies has nothing to do with wine snobbery etc. but everything to do with being more discerning about what one actually throws down ones neck. Bulk wine shipped from Argentina will surely have a far far higher total SO2 (free and bound) to protect the wine being carted halfway across the world. If you are happy sipping on a small simple glass of red with your braai, no doubt Tassies might suffice, but for more regular, extended consumption, a higher quality juice is certainly preferable. People seem much less likely to compromise on food quality, why should wine quality be any different?

      Christian Eedes | 14 February 2023

      Hi Greg, I think Tassenberg should be celebrated for the institution that is – I remember many happy occasions drinking it as a Stellenbosch University student before I could afford better. To quote the current Platter’s: “an affably dry red that since 1936 has launched millions on a wine journey”.

    Steve | 11 February 2023

    Its interesting, that in a blind tasting, very few people can tell the difference between Tassies and far more expensive wines. I drink nothing else, its a gorgeous blend of cinsaut and cab.

    Thandie | 14 June 2021

    Best red wine I ever tasted…..❣❣❣

    Duncan | 21 August 2019


    For 35 bucks, you can’t exactly go wrong, but it’s always a bit of a gamble. Same with the ‘Unbelievable Red’: had a bottle that was extremely simple but surprisingly delicious, with nice fruit. A couple weeks later, bought another bottle that verged on the unpleasant. But hey, at around R40, worst case I’ll make sangria.

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