Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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Always distinctive when it comes to branding, Pieter Walser chooses to name his Piekenierskloof Grenache as Familiemoord (“family murder”) in reference to a convoluted story...
Pieter Walser, winner of the Grand Prix at the Wine Label Design Awards 2015 for his BLANKbottle range of wine, continues on his nonconformist way....
BLANKbottle, as made by Pieter Walser, stand out on the market place as being utterly unconventional – the array of wines are ever-changing and Walser...
Pieter Walser of BLANKBottle prides himself on offbeat names for his wines, “3rd Round” in this instance referring to the corresponding stage of his business...
What would Cabernet Franc vines, previously mistaken for Merlot, do on being correctly identified? They’d give a sigh of relief and hence the name of...
This is a blend of mostly Darling Cinsault plus a little Grenache and Syrah, winemaker Pieter Walser having discovered an under-utilised 1951 vineyard of Cinsault,...
Pieter Walser, winner of the Grand Prix at the Wine Label Design Awards 2015, has always eschewed conventional means of marketing his wines relying on...
Pieter Walser of BLANKbottle, winner of the Grand Prix inaugural Wine Label Design Awards earlier this year (see here), has a fabulous white blend called...
Has anyone else noticed the rash of silly phrases being given as names to wines? Blankbottle’s “Confessions of a White Glove Chaser” (a cabernet) is...
W.O. Western Cape. The relevance of the name not disclosed. A blend of 90% Shiraz and 10% Carignan from in and around the Swartland. 30%...
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