Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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There were 140 wines put forward for 5 Stars in Platter’s 2012 of which 45 were endorsed. In what must be something of a record,...
Things you need to know about the 32nd edition of Platter’s South African Wine Guide: colour “Karoo sun yellow with type in Atlantic blue foil”....
45 wines out of a total of 140 nominated have earned a rating of 5 Stars in Platter’s 2012 (compared to 58 out of 150...
Judging of the wines nominated for 5 Stars to appear in Platter’s 2012 was completed yesterday at the Devon Valley hotel in Stellenbosch. There were...
Apologies for the lack of postings recently but the deadline for Platter’s 2012 draws ever closer. Plenty of philosophical conundrums along the way. When is...
Just back from a two-day trip to the Klein Karoo to taste wines of the region for Platter's 2012. I traveled with Greg de Bruyn...
Wines to be reviewed for the 2012 edition of Plattter’s began arriving towards the end of June, the deadline for final copy being 5 August,...
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