Everything to do with South African fine wine. Wine magazine was published from October 1993 until September 2011 and now lives on in digital form as winemag.co.za
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A Tex-Mex classic that’s great for casual entertaining. Yield This recipe serves 4 people. Chilli con carne recipe ingredients 400g red kidney beans, soaked in...
A classic and decadent dinner party recipe. Yield This recipe serves 4 people. Beef Wellington recipe ingredients 800g - 1kg beef fillet salt and freshly...
Pasta is the soul of generosity, loves being passed round, scooped out and slithered into bowls. It adores being a second helping, and can be...
Chocolate, cherries, and ruby port make for a classic flavour combination. Yield This recipe makes 12 large squares. Chocolate brownie recipe ingredients 250g butter 2...
A light and refreshing pea soup that can be served hot or cold. Yield This recipe serves 4 people. Pea soup recipe ingredients 1 tbsp...
These hot cross buns aren't just for Easter – you can enjoy them all year round! Yield This recipe makes 12 buns. Hot cross buns...
A flavourful Biriyani that's great for weekday nights. Yield This recipe serves 4 people. Biriyani recipe ingredients 400g Basmati rice, well rinsed 2 cinnamon sticks...
This twist on a classic South African potato bake works great on its own or as a side dish to a roast. Yield This recipe...
These chickpea fritters are served lettuce cups with tzatziki – making them a light and guilt-free lunch or post-work snack. Yield This recipe serves 4 people....
These roasted guavas are great for a weekend brunch. Best enjoyed with your favourite muesli and some plain yoghurt. Yield This recipe serves 4 people....
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